Assassin's Creed Valhalla - My Quest Log is Empty
I just really like taking photos of horses. Update 04/15/21 I have the impression that some folks are arriving here looking for actual help so I'll try to be helpful for a change. There are known issues that prevent quests from progressing and/or updating in the quest log. No quest objective appearing after pledging to Hamtunscire could definitely result in an empty log if you've done everything else. Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Known Issues [Updated April 1] Developers plan to address issues listed in future updates. You can also refer to Reported Issue Megathread List | Please check here for your issue! [UPDATED 12/04] , Besides waiting for an update, the only solutions I can think of are ones players have probably already tried such as restarting the game or loading an earlier save. My log is empty because I have simply finished all major quests and objectives. If you enjoy viewing video game horse photos and gameplay fail videos or reading debat...