
Showing posts from January, 2021

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - My Quest Log is Empty

  I just really like taking photos of horses. Update 04/15/21  I have the impression that some folks are arriving here looking for actual help so I'll try to be helpful for a change. There are known issues that prevent quests from progressing and/or updating in the quest log. No quest objective appearing after pledging to Hamtunscire could definitely result in an empty log if you've done everything else.    Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Known Issues [Updated April 1]  Developers plan to address issues listed in future updates. You can also refer to  Reported Issue Megathread List | Please check here for your issue! [UPDATED 12/04] , Besides waiting for an update, the only solutions I can think of are ones players have probably already tried such as restarting the game or loading an earlier save. My log is empty because I have simply finished all major quests and objectives. If you enjoy viewing video game horse photos and gameplay fail videos or reading debatable opinions fee

Divinity Original Sin 2 - Welcome Peeper, I Guess

  The crew has adopted a chicken. I have no idea where this is going. This is worth an achievement so I guess it's big. Or maybe the chick will get big because there's definitely something wrong with it.  I was doing pretty good at figuring stuff out on my own until I encountered an unavoidable obstacle that is resistant to everything. Apparently if I had picked up a specific book somewhere in the last act and read it, I would have known perfectly how to eliminate this problem. Check. Read and retain all books going forward because who the heck knows what kind of jams we'll get into. I'm looking at you, chicken. During this session, I also spent what seemed an hour agonizing over point distribution. I'm trying to keep the team balanced and capable considering that we wandered into a dangerous area and got our butts handed to us in short order. There's other stuff to do right now but we'll have to go there eventually. No carefree romping in this game even on

Little Woman, Big Imagination

 I finally decided that the 30 dollar office chair I bought a decade ago has become intolerable. "Gaming" chairs were probably available back then but I really noticed them on retailer websites this time. I tried to look at the other chairs but like a child, I insisted I wanted a gaming chair which arrived today. So I have my l33t throne, my feet don't touch the floor and I'm not going to grow into it.

Meet My Jomsviking, Igulfastr the Squint-Eyed

  I have lost count of how many times he has appeared out of nowhere and just destroyed an enemy I was battling. I love watching him, mostly because he looks funny when he runs and sometimes there seems to be something terribly wrong with his pants. He's a little skinnier than I would have liked but otherwise he's awesome. He rented himself out only once soon after I hired him. I then felt obligated to hire some player Jomsvikings myself like I was at some Viking style Tupperware party. I stopped when I realized that I could only take six of them on the boat which I was filling with named NPCs who tell stories. So why should I pay good silver for a collection of auto generated avatars? I can't tell by looking at them how well equipped they are. Igulfastr is now fully equipped with mythic gear but some of it is hidden to show off his tats. I'd love to know more about him but alas he can't talk to me. Update: 02/17/21  The River Raid content has arrived. I thought it

Divinity Original Sin 2: Two Things I'm Loving and One I'm not

 I'm loving: Cool Gear Stealth Not: This thing outlasted the black cat

Divinity Original Sin 2: How does Anything Work?

The big Steam Winter Sale came along and I seem to have run out of open world games that either match my system specs or that I am willing to play. I have been eyeing Divinity Original Sin 2 for a while so this time around I bought in. I used to love isometric games because at one time they were the best games but unfortunately a lot of the good RPG's came and went because my time and resources were allotted to other things. Considering this site's title contains the term RPG, I'm hoping that playing a bonafide RPG will help me finally understand what one is. I could just watch a YouTube video but I'm going to try to finish Divinity Orginal Sin 2 and see what I think. Normally I try to blunder along as long as possible before I start looking things up but I can't seem to figure anything out by myself in this one. This is a deep, open ended game with a steep learning curve and so far I'm loving it. Some of my troubles are the usual derpy problems I cause for myse