Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Fate of Atlantis Enhanced Abilities

I had some trouble finding a comprehensive guide on all enhanced abilities attainable through the Fate of Atlantis DLC. For once I may have something useful to contribute. Since I had decided to equip all of them at once I thought I might review them. Because there are only two Hunter Abilities, the rest take up all the melee slots which meant I had to give up some favoured abilities and adjust my play style. I particularly missed Shield Breaker and now have to rely on charged and overpower attacks. I thought I might miss Hero Strike but these abilities deal enough damage that I don’t really. Engravings that reduce cool down times and adrenaline spent on overpower attacks also help out. If you don’t like the enhancements you can revert them with no penalty. I don’t have exact cool down times but note if they seem fast or very slow. Descriptions are from the in game menu.

Fields of Elysium

Might of Artemis: Hunter Tree. Acquired through Sunken Jaw of the Styx. Enhances Rain of Destruction.

“Rain down a burst of arrows in a 3 meter radius around you, dealing 450% Hunter damage. Enemies inside the area are Stunned for 5 seconds and take CRIT damage from Melee attacks and Abilities. Special Arrows can be used.”

Requires one adrenaline segment and a short cool down. This is most effective for a hunter build caught in melee with multiple opponents. I’m usually geared up as a warrior or an assassin and don’t carry enough hunter damage to rely on this one. Plus 5 seconds goes by quickly.

Kronos Time Warp: Assassin Tree. Acquired through Dead Heroes Haven. Enhances Slow Time.

“Slow time for 5 seconds. Headshots performed during this times extend the duration by 2.5 seconds and increase Headshot damage by 125%. Ability wears off after 5 Headshots”.

Requires one adrenaline segment and a relatively short cool down. Unfortunately I am not very good at getting headshots especially under time pressure. This only offers a potential 2.5 extra seconds over Slow Time so the extra head shot damage is the main benefit. I like this one when I’m sniping from an elevation.

Ares Bull Charge: Warrior Tree. Acquired through the Keeper and the Key. Enhances Warrior Bull Rush.

“Summon a bull that charges through enemies and knocks them down, dealing 400% Warrior damage.”

Requires one adrenaline segment and a short cool down. This one is fun for conquest battles or slowing down an approaching mob. I tested it’s range by chasing around a mounted adversary. Range is limited. I finally caught him when he turned his horse around.

Ares Madness: Warrior Tree. Acquired through Buried Silence Cave. Enhances Warrior Battlecry of Ares.

“Summon the full power of Leonidas’ unbroken Spear. For 10 seconds, all attacks deal 35% Assassin damage, all enemy attacks are non-lethal, and other Abilities are unavailable.”

Requires no adrenaline and has a lengthy cool down. This one is the boss especially combined with Elysium’s legendary armor set which extends the effect for 10 seconds. Makes short work of even high level enemies and builds adrenaline fast. If you don’t pay attention to health status you can die abruptly when it wears off. I reserve this one for when Kassandra is in big trouble.

Torment of Hades

Kronos Time Shift: Assassin Tree. Acquired through Birth Cave of Kronos. Enhances Vanish.

“Kronos bends time around you. Time stops for 3 seconds as you are launched in the air and nearby enemies are Stunned. Leap of Faith’s ground smash and Hunter Abilities can be activated. They all deal CRIT damage.”

Requires one adrenaline segment and a cool down. If you are nimble which I am not, you can fire off a few arrows. I thought it might help me gain the Rain of Arrows achievement and lo and behold it did. It’s much easier to just treat it like a mini Leap of Faith and slam everyone around however.

Artemis’ Trickery: Hunter Tree. Acquired through Den of Judgement. Enhances Devastating Shot.

“Your arrows become deadly traps that detonate and deal 250% Hunter damage to enemies that come in close proximity. Special Arrows can be used.”

Uses up adrenaline segments but no cool down. I thought I might experiment with this one while looking for legendary chests in Temples. I fired trap arrows from the roof and watched the fun. The arrow is surrounded by a fair sized red circle and detonates when NPCs touch the perimeter. If they survive it aggravates them highly. Undetonated traps seem to persist so there is potential for harming innocents. I reserve this one for goofing around.

Ares’ Last Breath: Warrior Tree. Acquired through Hall of Maniai. Enhances Second Wind.

“Ares gives you one last fighting breath. You are immune to enemy attacks, 5% of damage dealt is restored as Health and melee hits received will be automatically parried. It also removes the effects of Fire and Poison when activated. Lasts 10 seconds.”

Requires one adrenaline segment and a cool down. This has changed my "roll around until Second Wind becomes available" strategy. 10 seconds to smash, smash, smash. I like it.

Judgement of Atlantis

Wrath of Ares: Warrior Tree. Acquired through Insight of War. Enhances Ring of Chaos.

“Use the Wrath of Ares to smash your spear into the ground, slowing all enemies in a 5 meter radius. After 14 seconds, slowed enemies are dealt 250% Warrior damage, and 50% more damage for each additional enemy inside the area”.

Requires one adrenaline segment and cool down. Good for low level mobs and damages or knocks down enemies as it expires. I use it when other abilities are on cool down.

Blessing of Kronos: Assassin Tree. Acquired through Insight of Blessings. Enhances Venomous Attacks.

“Kronos lends you Isu powers. For 15 seconds, receive 50% more Adrenaline when dealing damage. During that time, you are immune to Isu Adrenaline drain and freeze effects.”

Does not require adrenaline but has cool down. This is a weird one for poison specialists and definitely needs to be compensated with weapon engravings. It also would have come in handy earlier in the Atlantis saga. I like combining this one with Dikastes armor and become Isu enhanced when hit. I have no idea what this means but the effects are cool. Long cool down though.

Kronos’ Punishment: Assassin Tree. Acquired through Insight of the Titan. Enhances Call to Arms.

“Summon the power of Kronos by creating a dangerous replica of yourself that performs a stealth attack and deals 100% Assassin damage to your target.”

Requires one adrenaline segment and a cool down. I never used Call to Arms much and Rush Assassination seems more useful. There’s some kind of Jedi mind trick going on here because with Death Veil enabled this transparent assassin can take down one target standing next to another one without causing an alarm. If you are super patient you can find good hiding spots, wait for cool downs and take everybody out one at a time. Note if your assassin damage is not high enough havoc ensues.
