Kingdom Come Deliverance: Cheers Henry

Warning: Spoilers

Henry got to test the trebuchet as a reward for his hustling and bustling. It was the most Henry thing ever. The mighty wrecking ball only managed to elicit a surprised cluck from a chicken. While the engineer rambled reassuringly about trajectories, the leadership group received an urgent message about a new threat marching towards Talmberg.

As Henry raced off to help repel these invaders, I thought about how obvious the trebuchet must be to the castle occupiers. Henry acquitted himself quite well in the ensuing battle and the invasion force was defeated quickly. But of course, the aforementioned trebuchet was now under attack. Henry thought Pebbles was the fastest way back but she continuously threw him off. Henry hadn’t ridden her enough to get the Warhorse perk and I figured that may be the problem. Oh the trade offs one makes in this game. So he ran as fast as he could. The allies prevailed but Henry got bloodied in this battle. After healing up and repairing his equipment, Henry took the time to talk with some of his allies. He got some confusing information. There was some dissatisfaction with Capon and the engineer Weyfair was perhaps mortally wounded. Henry went looking for Weyfair and bumped into him on foot, looking healthy and lauding Capon. I’m still not sure what that was about.

The trebuchet was back in action and Henry was free for a couple of days before the castle assault. He returned to Rattay to get ready and visit with Theresa. Mysteriously his reputation in Rattay was quite improved. Since he had been showered with groschen lately, he thought a fancy dress might pique Theresa’s interest which it certainly did. You would think they would discuss all the exciting developments in Henry’s life but as usual their romantic walk was just another opportunity for Henry to look stupid. Maybe it’s time to check out bathhouse babes no matter how awkward Henry sounds at the bathhouses. I’m just saying.

After Theresa blew him off, Henry didn’t know what to do with himself. He decided to drink himself into a stupor at a Rattay tavern. Apparently Henry needs to be in a state of starvation and consume really cheap alcohol to accomplish this. He managed to get fairly drunk. Nothing very exciting happened but he did sit on a bench and watch the town tilt back and forth for a bit. He retired early and slept in, remarkably waking up without a hangover. He was immediately summoned back to Talmberg.

Henry lost a lot of unnamed allies in the castle assault and he got overwhelmed and killed on the first attempt. He found a spot to run back to and gulp potions during a second successful attempt. Most of the castle was taken and the lords negotiated a hostage exchange. Henry got a lesson about honour and diplomacy.

Henry then endured a suspenseful ride to Skalitz where finally, finally his questions were answered. The credits rolled and I thought jubilantly we are done. But no. There is an epilogue. This is where I got some detailed history dialogue and the choice of carrying on or definitely ending the game.

Well Henry wants nice things and maybe finally some respect from Theresa. As if. He has groschen and unfinished business in Pribyslavitz. So he will carry on but it’s time for me to compose my thoughts about the game.
