Far Cry 6 - Fun and Terrible All at the Same Time

Far Cry 6 - Dani driving a tractor
Sometimes I think Ubisoft makes games for me specifically.

 By terrible I mean the seriousness of the subject matter. The writers do make some points about violence, corruption and power. The question of whether the ends ever justify the means hangs over the main story missions right to the end. But otherwise it's all just ridiculously over the top. This is only my second Far Cry game but I assume this is typical for the series.

I was so entertained by exploration, random encounters and playing in the sandbox that I hardly needed a mission structure. A half hearted attempt to get some achievements only led to more nonsense and photo shoots. The crafting system had me enthusiastically infillitrating military targets. Unfortunately the process usually began with me doing careful recon and noting priority targets only to hit the wrong buttion and fire a grenade. Chaos! Incoming air support! Military vehicles headed your way!

Playing on PC with a Steam controller only added  to the fun. It was an adventure even after remapping everything. Most of the map is exposed now but there's still more I could delve into and the first DLC has already dropped. Once the all the DLC has released, I'll be back for more.
