Skipping Assassin's Creed DLC

 It's kind of clear by now I am not going to get around to playing any of the DLC. I'm not sure the reasons for this make any sense but I just can't get into it. I started out enthusiastically in the main game but that wore off in England at some point. I was a little disappointed that the raiding crew was just a side activity. I wanted them as offshore companions whether that was reasonable or not. Most likely I really want to play Dragon Age 4. 

I was going to make a post called "Saxon collaborator kills all the fun and exciting Vikings" but that would have been really unfair considering that was exactly the nuanced aspect of Viking history Ubisoft developers were trying to portray. Plus that isn't exactly true either. For example, I still have Rollo in my crew and the latest DLC is all about Paris. I just skimmed a walkthrough for Siege of Paris and apparently Rollo doesn't appear at all in it. So I would have been disappointed about that.

Ubisoft has been talking a lot about their single player games as a service idea and I've got the feeling that their latest Assassin's Creed titles have been test beds for those ideas. I am not enthused. There are aspects of Valhalla that I enjoyed but I got bored with it. The only side activities I really liked were Orlog and those megalith puzzles. The activities did make the cities and settlements a little more interesting to visit but some of it was just tiresome. The story lines were interesting but delivered in a confusing, disjointed way. 

So instead of continuing with Valhalla, I am playing the original Red Dead Redemption and having a great time. Considering that game is about a decade old I don't know what that says.
