Watch Dogs 2 - Another Great Free Roam Game

The main antagonist has been sent off to jail now and I'm so happy I'm making a list.

Preferred playstyle: Trickster/ghost.

Favourite characters: Marcus and Josh.

Favourite vehicle: Muh scooter.

I can't believe I missed the bottom jump because of that bike in the way. 

Favourite game feature: Photo mode. 

Marcus and seagull at the beach

It's limited compared to more recent games but I love how it's integrated into game play. Games usually include simple quests to facilitate exploration and discovery but I really liked the ScoutX photography missions. It's a welcome change from "please search for that missing person who's probably dead" or "I need you to fetch me something is really the gist of this time consuming story".

Favourite location:  San Francisco. Yeah the whole thing. 

Favourite NPC interactions:  Occasionally a gang war erupts right where the player needs to start a mission. It changes the whole scenario. Loved that. I sometimes stopped to gawk at multi-car pileups just like we tend to do in real life.

Two enemies got blasted out of an enclosure onto the sidewalk. A paramedic showed up and reported two dead bodies. He didn't seem to know what to do and threw up on the sidewalk. I didn't know at the time there was an achievement for a photo of a vomiting NPC. Later I spied a NPC brown bagging it and staggering down the street. "There's a good puking candidate" I thought. She stole a car instead. I was going to call the cops but somebody beat me to it. Every time I heard a gross noise I whirled the camera to the NPC but I still haven't got that achievement. I guess the befuddled paramedic was my only chance. 

I felt like I was in Canada every time an NPC apologized for me bumping into them. I could go on and on. I might as well say NPC interaction is one of my favourite things.

Other favourite things:  The entire map is exposed and fast travel is available immediately. Very little is locked behind mission progression. This is probably bad for completionists but I'm not one of those. I am happy new research points and collectables keep popping up. 

In summary, this is exactly the type of destructible sand box environment and random event generator I go for. I was able to get through the main missions without much online assistance. Not everybody enjoys wasting time just goofing around but I was happy to set my own pace.

Watch Dogs Legion just went on sale and I've moved on to that.
