Kingdom Come Deliverance: Some Early Game Lessons
Minor spoilers and
some tips maybe
I have lost quite a
few hours now, either from dying unexpectedly or abandoning quests
and back tracking. The easy going exploration is over and I’m at
the consult guides and obsess over stats stage. It’s so much like
Oblivion that way. At least KCD doesn’t tie attributes to specific
To progress I must
attend to skills that I have neglected. Even though horsemanship
skills are valuable raising vitality requires a lot of running and
jumping obstacles or surviving combat which Henry still isn’t good
at. So for now Pebbles is only summoned for escapes. Sniff. I have
equipped her with a better saddle though and she carts more loot.
Other than that coin is preserved for food, repairs and training
rather than niceties like clothing and tack.
Thanks to combat
training, Henry can handle one assailant fairly well or even two or
three unarmoured peasants. Two or more armoured opponents are still a
problem. I thought Henry could overcome this problem by sneaking into
enemy camps and poisoning food pots. This works fine as long as
everyone goes to sleep and there are no dogs. Still working on this
Raising stealth
involves sneaking around danger. Happily it seems that lockpicking
also raises stealth. Henry’s been spending quality time behind the
Rattay mill opening the practice chest. He should have been doing
this early game. Lockipicking got neglected because of the Steam
controller. Additionally the left grip has stopped working and Henry
couldn’t jump. I finally abandoned the provided KCD configuration
and went with the controller and mouse camera template. This works
excellently except lockpicking is now impossible because the right
cursor snaps back to the middle. The keyboard works well. I would try
another template but I have convinced myself that Henry can aim the
bow better now.
Yes that bow skill.
Henry has spent some coin on that. In other games, I usually adjust
aim as I am drawing which is wrong in this one. I am embarrassed to
admit how long that took me to grasp. This seems like an actual
skill. Line the target up roughly in the centre of the screen and
then draw. If aimed correctly the arrow will draw to the target. Now
Henry can occasionally hit a deer if he can find one standing still.
He is also good at knocking down nests. Finding them on the ground is
now the greater challenge.
Other than alchemy,
stealth and lockpicking, I’m not sure what to make of the non
combat stats and abilities. They do add a sim quality. I am resigned
that saviour schnapps might make Henry alcoholic but he’s getting
better at drinking. Yay. I really don’t know how much drinking he
has to do get that debuff but to be safe Henry now avoids unnecessary
Picking perks can be
difficult. There are some good main perks but most seem devoted to
developing a particular character type or handicapping the game in
some way. I have stuck to the ones that open dialogue or have no
negatives. Some are obvious. If you want Henry to wear heavy armour
he needs strength and mule perks. Right now Henry is carrying around
a useless dagger which is another reason his stealth stat needs to go
up so then he can acquire a stealth kill perk. I am saving some
points because I have spotted desirable perks for higher levels or I
just can’t decide. There is a potion to reset perks but I usually
never do this in games. I like to just live with the consequences of
decisions. I was happy with Henry being chatty and sneaky but
that’s not getting it done right now.
The vegetation is so
well dispersed on the maps that sometimes I feel like I’m running
through a photo despite the low graphics settings. I get the
occasional glitch but they are just funny most of the time. The other
day it was conjoined twins. I finally got a possible explanation for
all the uninteresting interesting places and accidents. They may be
related to treasure maps or random encounters. Treasure maps aren’t
Henry’s priority right now although maybe they should be. He needs
more coin and combat practice first. His chances of avoiding or
fleeing a fast travel encounter have increased thanks to map perks.
Bandits masquerading as guards are another problem on the road so
Henry just avoids everyone now.
Poor Henry.
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