Kingdom Come Deliverance: Early Mid Game Blues
Warning: Spoilers
Ah yes back to
Henry. I see that Henry is now wanted in Sasau. Oops. Henry was
testing Lullaby potion treated arrows on a wayfarer. He missed of
course. The wayfarer freaked out and ran off apparently to Sasau and
I believe ratted Henry out. So Henry has been looking for things to
do in other towns until the heat comes off.
He has again lowered
his reputation with the Uzhitz priest. I dread to think what that
might mean down the road but Henry just has to live with the
consequences this time. On the bright side Henry found a necklace for
Theresa and that really accelerated her interest. The whole thing was
a little tough on Henry’s ego. First she abandoned him in the barn
and when he found her and tried to pin down her feelings for him, the
conversation was awkward to the point of insulting. Henry is stupid
though. They ultimately agreed whatever the future brings they are
presently a couple. I had to laugh at the first dialogue option
available with Theresa’s next conversation. “Would you repair my
clothes?” Maybe Henry isn’t so stupid.
Henry has also
developed a gambling problem. Lately he heads to the nearest dice
table when he needs to fill in some hours even though the game is
clearly rigged against him. Dice is so much fun though. Henry is
tired of losing and went so far as to buy a treasure map. I don’t
know if it will lead to trick dice but right now it still seems like
a better long term investment.
I’m torn between
continuing to grind stats or trying to move the story along. There’s
never really a lack of things to do. It’s more a point of getting
bored with them. Oh hey. This is supposed to fun. Right? More dice?
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