Why Gamers Buy Consoles
desktop system is underwhelming to begin with but I have had some
frustration lately that affected my gaming choices. My obsolete discrete video card died but due to the installed apu I postponed
getting another card. I was halfway through Assassin’s Creed Black
Flag at the time. Much of my library became unplayable. So I went
looking for appealing titles with low system requirements. I had
missed the popular Mass Effect series so nabbed that when a bundle of
the first two games went on sale.
did finally get a new and powerful video card and erroneously
believed that I could now play newer games. I could run games with
higher system requirements but nothing released after 2015 thanks to
a lack of RAM and the under powered apu. Within the limited titles I
would actually like to play, I discovered that I already had PS4
versions of some of them. On the Linux side things were even worse. I
still hadn’t upgraded Ubuntu 14.04 and there was no driver
available beyond a very basic VGA driver for my card.
path was clear here. I needed to upgrade Ubuntu and add RAM. There
was another issue. I could not burn ISO files to DVD. I blamed the
noisy DVD burner. I could and did create bootable flash drives for
Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04. Santa brought me a gift certificate for
a local computer store and I acquired an 8gb stick of RAM and a new
would think after years of upgrading and tinkering these things would
go smoothly for me. But I am constantly behind the curve and I never
think of everything. It’s always an epic learning experience that I
have less and less enthusiasm for. I was anxious to do the Ubuntu
upgrade so I started with that, first backing up important files.
When I changed the boot order in the bios I noticed that the USB was
labeled UEFI. “That could be a problem”, I thought at the time.
Did that stop me? Of course not. Rather than install the new burner
and try burning a DVD I tried to install from the flash drive anyway.
Windows install has been upgraded twice from an OEM Windows 7 version
installed from DVD. Well it was cheaper than a retail version. Is
there a pattern here?
was expecting a UEFI Windows install and couldn’t find the
partition for it so my install was borked and I couldn’t start
Windows or Ubuntu from the hard drives. For some reason it occurred
to me for the very first time to try out my blank DVDs in another
computer. Yeah I should have thought of that before seeing that the
DVDs didn’t work there either. It might not have been the burner
after all. Apparently buying stacks of DVDs is fine if you use about
100 per week but over years they can become defective as that whole
darn stack had. At least I believe that is the case.
off to the store to buy a handful of DVDs in plastic cases. My plan
was to install a non UEFI version of Ubuntu. I was able to burn an
ISO on the other PC but for some reason it was corrupted and would
not load in a live version of Ubuntu. By this time I wasn’t really
trusting anything. Multiple rebooting and trying different things
wasn’t getting me anywhere until I rebooted with both the DVD and
the USB stick in and with the DVD drive set first in the load order.
This was purely by accident not by design. The installer vainly tried
to load the live DVD in and then discovered the USB drive and loaded
in Ubuntu from there. I thought perhaps if it didn’t boot off the
USB then maybe it will install the old way. To my shock that worked.
Both Windows 10 and the new Ubuntu install were accessible.
escapade is short to describe but went on over a couple of exhausting
days. I had absolutely no desire to begin renovating the desktop. I
did buy a couple of games from the Steam Christmas Sale but decided
to get Assassin’s Creed Origins for the PS4 and have been playing
that instead. The Steam New Year’s sale finally prodded me to
action. It is impossible for me to open a case and work on a system
without bleeding on it but I managed to otherwise successfully
install RAM and replace the burner and a case fan. For all that,
things are marginally better. Sigh. At least the fan and the burner
are quiet now.
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