
Showing posts from June, 2019

Back to Origins

Ubisoft still has me in their grip. Recently I got fed up with Odyssey’s Alkibiades and attacked him which caused him merely to run off. I lost him in a rocky elevation. I shouldn’t have been surprised he is adept at climbing. This caused me to return to Origins. It took a bit to get reoriented. The map looked quite barren compared to Odyssey but there was still much to complete including the final DLC. There were multiple unassigned ability points. I had to relearn controller assignments that I never completely grasped in the first place. I want to save my game constantly even though it strictly auto saves. I often forget I’m not immune to fall damage or that I have no health replenishment abilities. I kind of hope no one avenges me. Avenging fallen players is silly idea that doesn’t appear in Odyssey but I have done it a couple of times. I have mostly been determined to fully exploit tools and abilities. Things don’t always work according to plan but that’s all part of