Yikes. Yet another massive 3D world to get immersed in. I’ve played through the first act and I am now taking odd jobs and exploring Night City. BECAUSE I NEED MONEY. First the good. Intriguing characters and game play kept me going despite massive eye shock and frustrating crashes. This is the type of game that will be declared a masterpiece after multiple patches and free add ons. Much like Witcher 3. Oh but the bad. I am playing on a PS4 slim and we all know that’s bad. I have turned off additive camera, motion blur, film grain and chromatic aberration. Between that and the latest patch, the graphics are looking much better. Performance has improved slightly too. Objects are still jumping up and down occasionally when I get too close, there’s a bit of lag, brief freezes and mis-rendering but it’s not as common as before the patch. I had one issue with a corrupted auto save but an earlier save resolved it. My latest side job is refusing to complete. Grrrr! BECAUSE I NEED MONEY...